Thursday, August 28, 2014

This will require 5 minutes of your time to read.

MidMaine Lacrosse and its members are working hard. 

There's so much happening and it is the off season.

We have tried repeatedly to pay respect to the originators of the game of lacrosse. One of the ways that we have done this is to use Iroquois, Mohawk and Sioux words to label our events and happenings. 
For example, MML just hosted the Wakina Clinic (A Sioux word for Thunder.) 
We held the Tegenhondi Tournament (The Iroquois work for spring.) 
And Wuttahminnash (The Mohawk word (sort-of) for Strawberry Festival.)  
(Please grant us a bit of literary licence and creativity.) 
I have been searching for a creative method to encourage better participation at a meeting and board level. Our Grand Council Meeting will occur ASAP in September. The date is pending but will be announced imminently. 

Agenda Item to include, but not limited to;

Relationship with Town of Palmyra
Wakina Summer Clinic Success
Girls Programming
Kennebec Area Fall Ball Lacrosse League
Grant Funding
Holiday Tree Festival Stick and Stone Olympic Contest
State of the Budget
High school programming
Trash Can Lacrosse
Annual Calendar
Board of Director's Elections
Pay-Online Registration

I do not think we can accomplish this in one hour. I would aim for 1 hour 45 minutes. I believe we will meet at the Palmyra Community Center. There's quite a bit of work to be discussed and decisions to be considered. 


I am waiting to hear back from potential presenters to announce the meeting time, date and location. If you have suggestions, conflicts or agenda items please be in touch. We are at such a positive precipice. We have such momentum. We are impacting kids well being and being well. You do not need to be a Board Member to attend. You do not have to have a child on the team if you want to help MidMaine Lacrosse and its athlete lacrosse players. 

From Proactice Coaching;
Many roles on teams require a great deal of hard work without much glory. The key is to acknowledge the importance of those roles and to find people who are willing to find extraordinary joy out of what most people on the outside consider ordinary