Saturday, November 29, 2014

Make your costume.
Decorate a T Shirt.
Maybe Win the Costume Contest. 5-6pm.
Join the Elf Parade 6pm.
Vote on "Best Tree" 4-6pm
Win a Tree after 6:30pm?!?
Dexter Brass 4-6pm. 
Skits & Awards 6:30-7pm
Concessions Silent Auction
Free Admission
Sunday 12/7
Palmyra Community Center.



Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Dear Members of MidMaine Lacrosse,

Sunday, December 7th, at the Tsothohrha Tree Festival, we have the potential to earn funding to support referee and tournament costs for the entire spring season.

US Lacrosse, Maine Lacrosse Coaches Association, MSAD#53 and RSU#19 have demonstrated their support of our efforts and organization. Area businesses have given monies to launch the festival.

I am worried as, with 100+ members of lacrosse, less than ten have signed up to donate food and help at the festival. I think we are privileged to have this organization and opportunity. Everyone is busy. High school players are more than equipped to contribute brain and brawn to the day. But there are jobs for middle school athletes as well.

Your family might not need the financial aid afforded by participating in fund raising efforts but a great majority of our team members require subsidized play. Your child needs a team and therefore we need your help.

Can you make time today and review the sign ups? 

My Thanksgiving will be much more enjoyable if I am not panicked about the Tree Festival. 

We are hoping for 1-200 guests. Ten individuals cannot make that happen alone. And I will be a wreck if I do not have a plan in place. There is no winging 1-200 guests.

Thanks to those that have already signed up. It was a Board of Director's  and parent decision to host the Festival. We can do it differently or not at all next year but we are committed in 2014.

Happy Thanksgiving,




Sunday, November 23, 2014

Please sign up!

Thank You

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Sign Up for Tree Festival 12/7

Tsothohrha Tree Festival 12/7 4-7pm @PCC signup sheet

Tree Festival-MidMaine Lacrosse will host a Tree Festival @ Palmyra Community Center Sunday 12/7 4pm-7pm. 20 area businesses are sponsoring trees. These trees were generously discounted by Dalhou Farms for this Festival in 2013. (We had to cancel because of an ice storm so this year there is a rain date of 12/14 also.)

Trees will be decorated by the sponsoring businesses or by area community & school groups. Decorated trees will be judged for prizes. Visitors can purchase raffle tickets as, at the close of the event, trees and decorations will be raffled for people to bring home. There will be live music, skits, an elf parade and concessions. We are requesting, as this should prove our largest fund raising event of the year, for EACH lacrosse family, NEW & OLD MML members, contribute to the concession sale.

Then, please come hungry yourself!

DATE: 12/7/2014 (Sun 4:00PM - 7:00PM)

LOCATION: Palmyra Community Center

Please bring food near noon.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Dear MML Athletes,

Have you glanced about? Have you noticed the adults that make these adventures possible? And we share some grand adventures....
Please say thank you out loud and repeat it.

As President, I love that MML celebrates the origins of the native game of lacrosse. Words like Tegenhondi, Wuttahminneash, Tsothohrha and Thunder come directly from native origins of the game of lacrosse. 
I love, that our children are a part of the fastest growing game in the state of Maine, the USA and the World.
I love, that OUR hard work and determination have been recognized and rewarded by the multiple grants we have received. We have a mandate to continue our hard work, investment, learning, growth and giving.
I am excited to see our girls program, in its infancy, secure a strong foundation.
Today, I would like to thank, Coach Rowell and Coach Boreham. Thank you Chef Baker, Registrar Boreham, Treasurer PaterNoster,
Secretary Gould, MC Simpson, Equipment Simpson, Sous Chef Matt, Benefactor Bowman, Field Team Wilson and Photographers Wilcox and Monteyro. There are 15 others I should thank for the week past....If I forgot to mention someone today...I admit I am beat tired. (That dang tooth....)
My favorite photos reflect the drive and determination of our more seasoned athletes as well as the enthusiasm and the wonder reflected in the expressions of the younger players.
We posted more than 1000 photos in two volumes this evening. Tag yourselves. Share the good news.

And please invite EVERYONE you meet EVERYWHERE you go to join us for the Tsothohrha Tree Festival 12/7 4-7pm.

Did I mention, in addition to Thanking so many adults?.....

Thank you MidMaine Lacrosse athletes. You are such a hard working, coach-able, civic minded, determined, talented and capable group of young athletes. You set an example you can be proud of. I am sure proud of you.

Thanks for a great 2nd annual Sticks & Stones,


Friday, November 14, 2014

Tsothohrha Tree Festival Tree Sponsors and Decorators are signing up......our list of participants is growing! 

Is your club or team decorating a tree? 
A committee member and see how you can help your team or Contact 
MidMaine Lacrosse 

Players & Parents-
Have you set December 7th aside to work-all day? 
We need your help. 
This should be a major source of fund raising revenue for 2015. Please check you email, FB and 
Often and for updates.

How can you, for example a soccer team, win at a lacrosse fund raising event?

Your club or team can win the tree decorating contest.

Your club or group share 50% of the votes their tree gathers. Each vote is a dollar.

You can win a tree and it's decorations in a raffle. Each tree is raffled near 6:30pm.
Do you have your costume chosen? There's also a costume contest.

So many chances to win! 

Win trees, costume contest, raffles, decorating awards or
Silent Auction Items.....

4-7pm Sunday 12/7 Palmyra Community Center. 
Voting closes at 6pm. 
Awards thereafter.....

A current partial list of tree decorators....RSU #19 Music Boosters, GS Troop 1300, MML High School, MCI Boys Soccer, Nokomis Girls Soccer, Pittsfield Basketball, Black Bears Field Hockey, Nokomis Field Hockey, MML Elementary School Lacrosse, Balance Yoga, Nokomis Boys Soccer, MML 7/8 Lacrosse, MML 5/6 Lacrosse, Katahdin Trail Saddlery, RSU #19 Show Chorus, Ecoabs, People's United Bank, MCI Football.....

There is still time to sign your club or group up.

A list of Tree Sponsors is growing....for $50...Area businesses are donating trees which the above mentioned groups will decorate. Can your organization or business sponsor a tree? Contact Gretchen 341-1545.

Come enjoy DEXTER BRASS, win a tree, an award, a costume contest, a silent auctions bid. Awards and Skits 6:00pm.

MidMaineLacrosse Members please spread the word and share this post. 
Tell everyone you know to visit us Sunday, December 7th 4-7pm at PCC. 

Thanks to all community members participating to ensure the continued growth of lacrosse in our community.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Special Thanks to the Rolling Thunder Express

Girls & Boys Middle School and High School

Sunday 11/16 11-2 PCC

Contests, Stone Soup, Lacrosse Play

Monday, November 3, 2014

tree ad

The MidMaine Lacrosse 
Parent/Board of Director's Meeting
 scheduled for Thursday 11/6 
has been moved to 
Thursday 6pm 11/20.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Girls Poster


In September of 2014, MidMaine Lacrosse was awarded a fourth amazing grant. This grant is worth approximately $20,000 in equipment and training to develop a MidMaine Lacrosse Girls Lacrosse program. We want teams at the middle school and high school level.

This Thursday, November 6th, from 5-6pm for $20 @ Palmyra Community begins our Learn2Lax Girls program. Please encourage friends to come play and learn. We will meet for three weeks in November and again in January.The regular season runs March to early June.

The grant will supply equipment.

Please, current players and parents, encourage girls to come try the game.

The following links (you may need to copy and paste) provide good information about the game.

And here's a link to an interesting article.

Thanks for sharing the news and helping to get girls from MSAD #53 and RSU #19 involved.
