Sunday, November 16, 2014

Dear MML Athletes,

Have you glanced about? Have you noticed the adults that make these adventures possible? And we share some grand adventures....
Please say thank you out loud and repeat it.

As President, I love that MML celebrates the origins of the native game of lacrosse. Words like Tegenhondi, Wuttahminneash, Tsothohrha and Thunder come directly from native origins of the game of lacrosse. 
I love, that our children are a part of the fastest growing game in the state of Maine, the USA and the World.
I love, that OUR hard work and determination have been recognized and rewarded by the multiple grants we have received. We have a mandate to continue our hard work, investment, learning, growth and giving.
I am excited to see our girls program, in its infancy, secure a strong foundation.
Today, I would like to thank, Coach Rowell and Coach Boreham. Thank you Chef Baker, Registrar Boreham, Treasurer PaterNoster,
Secretary Gould, MC Simpson, Equipment Simpson, Sous Chef Matt, Benefactor Bowman, Field Team Wilson and Photographers Wilcox and Monteyro. There are 15 others I should thank for the week past....If I forgot to mention someone today...I admit I am beat tired. (That dang tooth....)
My favorite photos reflect the drive and determination of our more seasoned athletes as well as the enthusiasm and the wonder reflected in the expressions of the younger players.
We posted more than 1000 photos in two volumes this evening. Tag yourselves. Share the good news.

And please invite EVERYONE you meet EVERYWHERE you go to join us for the Tsothohrha Tree Festival 12/7 4-7pm.

Did I mention, in addition to Thanking so many adults?.....

Thank you MidMaine Lacrosse athletes. You are such a hard working, coach-able, civic minded, determined, talented and capable group of young athletes. You set an example you can be proud of. I am sure proud of you.

Thanks for a great 2nd annual Sticks & Stones,


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